[1 John 4:19] We love because he first loved us.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Update #1: Dependence

First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of communication :x It’s actually a lot harder to find access to the internet than I thought it would be in China, but in the hotel that we’re in right now, we have wi-fi!

It’s crazy how differently people here live. I’ve been in China before (like 8 years ago) but it didn’t really hit me until this trip. Living in the United States, I’ve taken so many things for granted. Here, nothing is taken for granted. You become aware of what you are blessed with and what other people are not blessed with. Toilets? Thank Him. Clean water? Thank Him. Good food? Air conditioning? Anti-smoking laws? Street laws that people follow? Thank Him.

This is not to say that America has it better in every way: it’s to say that we don’t realize what we have until it’s taken away.

Aside from this revelation of how we’re being spoiled in America, He has been showing me so much more about His love, grace and providence. Not only has He put us in a place where He is obviously working, He gave us the tools to be able to be a part of His awesome plan, even despite of the language barrier. The language barrier is an obstacle to say the least, but anything is possible through Him.

When we first arrived, they welcomed us like no other welcome I’ve ever received. I had no idea what they were saying (Mandarin x_x) but all the kids were clapping and everybody was smiling. All in all, this was my experience with these people: everybody is outrageously grateful for every bit of advice, criticism, encouragement, or help that you give them. When I first arrived, I felt useless. I wanted to (or more… expected to?) work with the children and to help out directly with what they were doing but He changed my expectations. When I realized I couldn’t do what I wanted to do, I looked for what He wanted me to do. Slowly, we realized that He was using our presence and the small things we can do that we thought had no significance to glorify Him. Without a common language, we can’t depend on what we can do on my own: we have to depend on what He can do through us. That’s what we should be doing in the first place though, right? My old definition of dependence has been surpassed by this new definition of dependence. If you’re out there talking to Him about us, ask Him to continue showing us new levels of love and dependence. Ask Him to continue showing us His awesomeness (:

Before we started, it felt like Margi (one of the people we’re working) prefaced the first part of this trip for me by mentioning a message she once heard: He gave us differences (like with the Tower of Babel) to ensure that the unity we do develop is genuine and the truth that we discover doesn’t go unchallenged/refined. The part about true unity is the question I’ve been asking myself: how can we show love without a common language? How can you develop a sense of unity when something so essential like language is missing? Because this is the challenge that He’s placed in front of us, ask that He gives us a solution. We’re looking to discover what the true body is and how we can find fellowship and the Body amidst people with whom we don’t share a language. It’s possible; anything is possible. He moves mountains.

He is amazing, amazing, amazing. Please continue keeping us in your conversations with Him (lol @ my awk wording x_x) and thank you all for your support =) Whether it was financial or mental, it’s truly appreciated and it’s not too late! We’re moving on to our next location tomorrow; His will be done. Sending you all tons of love from China =)

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